A How-To Guide For When Your Shoes Just Won't Stretch No Matter What You Do

You finally found the perfect pair of shoes. They fit your style, they're comfortable, and they were even on sale. The only problem is that they're just a little too tight for your wide feet. But don't worry, we've all been there before. Here are a few tried and true methods for stretching out your shoes so you can rock them with confidence.

The Wet Sock Method

This method is best for leather or synthetic leather shoes. Start by wetting a pair of socks and wringing them out so they're damp but not dripping wet. Put the socks on and then put your shoes on over top of them. Wear the shoes around the house for 2-3 hours or until the socks are dry. Repeat this process a few times if necessary.

The Frozen Bag Method

This method is good for all types of shoes. Start by filling a ziplock bag with water and then putting it in the freezer overnight. In the morning, take the bag out of the freezer and put it inside your shoe, making sure that the water is evenly distributed. Leave the shoe in place until the water has completely thawed (this could take a few hours). Repeat on the other shoe as necessary.

The Shoe Tree Method

This method is good for all types of shoes as well but it's especially effective on dress shoes. Start by inserting shoe trees into your shoes (you can find these at most shoe stores). Leave them in overnight or for at least several hours so that they have a chance to stretch the shoe material outwards. Remove the shoe trees when you're finished stretching and enjoy your newly roomy shoes!


There you have it! Three easy methods for stretching out your new shoes so you can wear them in comfort. Have any other tips that have worked well for you? if all else fails, you can always try going up a half or full size next time you're shoe shopping. :)

One More Thing:

If you've decided its time to try a new pair of shoes and you don't know where to start, don't worry. We've got you covered. Our reviewers have done the research for you and searched other sites and checked 100's of reviews on Amazon to locate the best basketball shoes for wide feet. So kickback and relax and tap the button below to check out what we've found. Then when you've discovered that perfect pair of new basketball shoes for your specific need, tap the button below that perfect item and check the price on Amazon. You feet will thank you and maybe your performance will go up a notch!