I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a rule follower. I like to know the rules of any game I'm playing, so that I can play to the best of my abilities. So when my friends suggested we start playing pickleball, I was all in... but only after doing some research on the rules. Here's what I learned!

The Basics

Pickleball is played with 2-4 players on a court that is 20' x 44'. The net is hung at 36" in the middle, just like in tennis. The game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes in it - similar to a Whiffle ball. To start the game, the server stands behind the backline and serves the ball diagonally into the opponents' court - just like tennis. The opponents must let the ball bounce before hitting it back. And just like tennis, you score points by winning rallies (when your opponents can't return your shot). The first team to reach 11 points wins!

There are some other basic rules of pickleball that are worth mentioning.

For instance, you can only score points when you're serving - meaning your opponents can't score on their own serve. Also, there are boundaries on the court that are similar to tennis - if the ball hits any part of the line, it's considered in bounds. And finally, if the ball hits any part of the net or Supporting Structure (the posts and/or cord supporting the net), it's considered a fault and your opponents get the point.

Now that we've covered some of basics, let's move on to dinking!


Dinking is tactic used in pickleball (and other racquet sports) in order to keep your opponent off balance and guessing. It's when you hit a soft shot over the net so that it barely clears - often using an underhand stroke. Dinks are used to set up shots for your teammates or to tire out your opponents so they make mistakes. And since dinks barely clear the net, they're also harder for your opponents to return. Win-win!


So there you have it - a crash course in pickleball rules from a curious woman! If you're thinking about giving this fun sport a try, now you know some of basics to get you started. And who knows - maybe you'll even become a dinking pro!

One More Thing:

If your thinking you may need a different pair of shoes for playing pickleball, you may be right. Especially if the course is clay or the weather is not perfect. So where do you begin to look?

Well, don't worry, we've got you covered. We've done the research by reading numerous articles, blogs and the reviews of numerous reviewers on Amazon and we feel we have a good handle on the issue. So tap the button below and read what we've found for you.

When you find that perfect pair, click the button below the item and check the price on Amazon. Your feet will thank you and probably your back!

One More Thing:

If your thinking you may need a different pair of shoes for playing pickleball, you may be right. Especially if the course is off the clay or the weather is not perfect. So where do you begin to look?

Well, don't worry, we've got you covered. We've done the research by reading numerous articles, blogs and the reviews of numerous reviewers on Amazon and we feel we have a good handle on the issue. So tap the button below and read what we've found for you.

When you find that perfect pair, click the button below the item and check the price on Amazon. Your feet will thank you!